Every week a client wants to look over and “tweak” their social media strategy for business…
More than likely, it’s because they’ve talked to someone who’s “crushing” it on [X] platform.
This is a huge problem.
Because it pulls them away from “crushing” what they’re already doing.
With ANY social media strategy for business, it’s probable that you won’t see ANY immediate results.
Which leads the entrepreneur down the path of finding “something that works better, faster.”
And THAT leads to inconsistency.
Trust me on this one. I know what I’m talking about here…don’t ask me how 😉
It’s improbable that your social media strategy for business includes every form of advertising
Yet, I see so many entrepreneurs trying this very strategy.
Of all the successful online marketing stories, the entrepreneur focused on ONE sales channel and used it to cut through the competition because they were bouncing around from this to that.
I’m not saying put all your eggs in one basket either.
Mastering 1-3 social media channels is your best use of time right now, IMO.
I’ve had clients tell me that “Twitter doesn’t work”, but when I asked them what they’re doing there, it’s minimal and sporadic.
This post isn’t about “how” to use each of the social media channels, but we need to understand the context of each in order to utilize the power behind it.
AND THAT’S THE PROBLEM when entrepreneurs approach their social media strategy for business…
They are spreading themselves too thin and not learning how to master ONE social media strategy at a time.
Once you have ONE sales/social media channel mastered, move on to the next one.
Because you can’t spend ALL your time on just ONE source – that’s like a stool with only one leg, right?
Your Social Media Strategy For Business Balancing Act
All in all, this is about a balancing act.
As an entrepreneur, start by thoroughly mastering ONE social media channel. Preferably one that your audience/prospects “listen to” and engage with. (I know, I’m speaking to the choir here)
Second, do the same thing with social media channels 2 and 3.
As you begin to dominate these channels, it will be like you’re “everywhere” when you really don’t have to be.