ReThink How You Build Your Business

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I CAN'T TELL YOU how much I love this video, because it makes me rethink about how to help you build your business:

Check it out:

Here's my take on it:

OF course, the messages inside we've heard before…we've seen the quotes, we've shared them, we've told others the same thing…

Yet, most of us just exist on this planet. We don't LIVE.

And it totally relates to how your build your business

When I started coaching, I quickly got a reputation for telling people they needed to quit their job. “Go to Joey and he's gonna tell you to quit.”

Not because I'm insensitive to your financial situation, but because I want you to see reality in what you SAY you want to do.

However, there's WAY more behind that which I won't get into here… if you want to have a chat about it, I'm open for that because all I want is for you to be FREE and LIVE…

But this isn't about me – or my coaching “program”.

It's just me calling you out.

Because I DON'T want you to have to take a vacation from your job…if you have to do that, in my mind, something's not right.

This is about you…about what you truly want to do and how much pushing it back year after year is costing you. “When X happens…” is a bullshit excuse…just be real – “I'm scared shitless, and don't believe in myself.”

THAT's the hard truth.

If you've read this far and you're starting to breathe heavier through your nostrils because I've stirred up some emotion – some defensive reaction because you believe “well, YOU don't know my situation…”, good.

But get over it.

EVERYONE has a “situation.”

And you and me have shared those videos as well; videos of total domination overcoming whatever situation is at hand. A person with no arms swimming in competition…people with MD running marathons…it goes on and on…

And do you know WHY they did it?

Because they BELIEVED in themselves – AND – NOTHING, not anyone would stop them…AND, they have a place in their heart to do what they LOVE….

Live my friend.

And build your business – one that SUITS your life!

What do YOU think?  Let me know below!

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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