Branding Strategies That Could Put You In The POOR House

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branding strategies

I was blessed to talk about branding strategies with an up-and-coming interior designer the other day so I could save her from financial ruin…


And a possible divorce.

And even though you might not be in this field, this is going to be important for you to hear.

Here’s Why:

Like a few industries out there, she was BRAINWASHED with branding strategies that said she needed to “invest” in her “brand” to GET clients.

Then, to top it off, recently, I saw a few posts from a very close friend of mine who is IN this same industry…

Basically stating the same branding strategies.

And the proof was enough for me to write this.

First, let me get this out of the way: I’m not suggesting I’m anything special here and my ideas and opinions are to be taken for gospel.

However, I also say shit most people don’t.

Or are thinking and afraid to say.

I call things as I see ‘em and when it helps at least ONE person, like it did this woman, I’m happy I took a stand.

So I know this will help you to – read on.

I dunno WHO’s brainwashing these people, but I feel the need to step out and say this:


I don’t care WHAT industry you are in…

Or WHO you’re trying to emulate.

Because there’s a fundamental difference between BUILDING a brand and PROTECTING a brand.

More on that later.

For now, let’s move back to my coaching client's branding strategies lesson:

She believed (notice the past tense) that in order to be successful, and get clients (the latter being more important right now), that she had to:

  • buy a fancy ass car
  • buy several (not one or two) high fashion-model-style-red-carpety-thingy dresses
  • mortgage the house to buy the 8000 designer purse and multiple pairs of shoes
  • not to mention the $200 trips to the hair and nail stylist every week or two

Now, before you get all defensive on me…

I KNOW you have to look “good”.

But you don’t have to look like Angelina Jolie (or whomever else your idol is at the time you’re reading this) to get a client.

Here’s the Deal With Branding Strategies:

If you have to IMPRESS people with what you wear, the bling you buy and the car you drive so you can CONVINCE them that you’re the person they should be dealing with…


Read that again – because:

It means YOUR MESSAGE (of value and problem solving) is not STRONG enough.

That’s my professional opinion – and you can take it to two more marketers if you'd like.

For now, at least hear me out.

If you look at this primarily from the financial position, that's a LOT of pressure you are putting yourself into if you have to go into debt to build a brand that NOBODY knows… (granted, YET)

AND, you have to still compete with OTHER “brands” that have been established…


2nd mortgage?

Credit Card Debt?

Loan from your parents?

Cutting off the kids’ after school activities and weekend sports promising them and yourself that you’ll add them back later when you land your first big account?


This is What People Care About (and this I can guarantee)


They care about the RESULTS you get them.


Not your car or your dress or your watch and shoes.

And if they do, is THAT the client you want to work with?

Clients that you have to CONSTANTLY be “on” and “made up” for just to get their approval before you can even talk to them?

Wow. (again, a LOT of pressure – what happens if they see you at the supermarket with your hair in a pony tail?)

So I told this new designer gal, “listen, I’m not telling you to never shower or do your hair, show up in track pants and running shoes with holes.”

“What I am telling you is to be ‘presentable’ and focus on what you can DO for the client. If they are so superficial and materialistic that they NEED to see someone show up in all that shit, sorry, but you have to make a choice about who you want to work with.” I continued.

Just like I’m telling you here.

Because I can spend an entire blog post listing billionaires who don’t give a shit what they wear.  (And I'm betting you can add to that list.)

And it started from day one.

Their “brand” is the PROBLEM they are solving.

So Let’s talk about “branding” for a second

When it comes to branding, I’m not against it, I’m just saying you don’t START by building a brand.

In other words, you don’t put marketing money into “building” a brand.

You put that marketing money into getting your message out to people about how you can help them.

AND THAT builds your brand over time.

Then, once you HAVE this brand, you can put money into PROTECTING IT.

McDonalds didn’t start out with a Super Bowl ad.

Neither did Starbucks or Nike.

Everyone starts out the same.

The ones that survive are the ones creating VALUE in the marketplace.

That's a piece of their branding strategies.

I told this sweet woman “if you put ALL your money into buying all that shit, what’s left over to help you buy Facebook ads or create a “lunch and learn” event that actually attracts clients so you can PROVE you can help them?”

Not much – that’s how much.

She then said “but Joey, this world is different, to get high-end clients, you have to ‘LOOK’ the part.”

Again, brainwashed, so I went with it:

Do you think for a moment, that high-end rollers, with all that cash, DO NOT ALREADY HAVE A CONNECTED NETWORK?

Think about it.

Millionaires have networks.

Someone knows someone.

And please hear this: I’m not suggesting you will NEVER be able to get into these networks.

I'm only suggesting you have to pay your dues and start outside that network.

Then you get a referral here, there…


And one day someone says, hey, do you think you can do this for my friends mansion?

You say “sure.”

Guess what.

You’re IN the network.

Because you’ve focused on what you do WELL, and people notice.

So the choice is yours.

You either have a LOT OF MONEY and you can PAY YOUR WAY IN (which most of the entrepreneurs out there do not have, just like this coaching client.)

Or you focus on doing REALLY great work and people notice…and create the brand FOR you.

Thank you.

Rant over.

Take it as you will.

Love – your strategic caring coach.


About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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