[Podcast Episode 0021] Preparing for the Storm

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Here's the transcript from episode 0021 of the “Entrepreneur Life”

~ begin transcript~

Back once again for some inspiring business strategies and mindsets for you after a long hiatus…

In fact, this new episode was inspired by a new listener of mine April.  Because she told me how she was listening to the earlier episodes and they were helping her – and, I realized that we never know who we are inspiring and when.

So, here I am – with today’s podcast episode called Prepare for the Storm

If there’s one thing I’m certain of in business, it’s this: there’s ANOTHER storm coming.

The storm is: pressurefearanxietyadversity — and sometimes misfortune.

I’m also certain of another thing:  that you and I can weather the storm with a unique mindset, in addition to the fundamentals of strategic business strategies.

Why do so many people say “mindset”, and what does it mean?

First off, how many people have you come across that discount the entire “positive thinking” culture because their lives just simply get worse?

Stick with me for a few minutes because what I’m going to teach you here are a few techniques I’ve learned over my several years with top entrepreneurs.

I’m referring to positive pressure because we, as entrepreneurs, are going to be faced with a LOT more pressure and stress than most others face in their daily lives.

We both know it.

What’s important for you to realize, right here, right now, is that the pressure and stress will NEVER stop.

You will ALWAYS be faced with some sort of pressure and be hit with some misfortune in your business…and in your life.

The MOST important thing is to:

•          Accept that it’s going to happen, and

•          decide how you’ll deal with it.

As a coach helping others build their lives and their business, I have noticed that MOST people run and hide when adversity strikes.

And adversity comes in many forms and is dealt with in many ways and described in more ways than one:

Some label it a dip, a low point, whatever.

However, the most successful people I know have GROWN by stepping into and accepting the positive pressure they’re faced with.

For me, it started with watching my father — and although it didn’t make sense to me when I was 12 years old, it does now.

As I continue to observe all the people I respect and model, they all have that same characteristic: being able to step into and accept positive pressure.

As Bill Phillips says, “…our character will never be fully tested until things are not going our way.  Those who have the courage to succeed in spite of adversity become an inspiration.”

I believe they should be posted on everyone's wall.

Pay attention to the second part of the quote, “Those who have the courage to succeed in spite of adversity become an inspiration” which is really important.

Imagine being the inspiration to others, to your family, your colleagues, customers, and so on.

Once you tap into the inner belief of why you’re in business in the first place, you'll discover that you'll be able to overcome all adversity.

I’ve seen too many entrepreneurs give up on their dreams even though they know full well, DEEP down inside what they should do – but refuse to stick with it because things get too hard.

In other words, they don’t live up to the words and promises they tell themselves.

If you do that often enough, Bill also says, “…your self-trust — your confidence — will fade away.”  What happens as a result is we self-doubt, we become anxious and angry.

How would you rather live life?

Angry or happy?

Now you know what to do.

~ end transcript~

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About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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