The core pillar content messages are really about the top three things.
And I'm going to give you an example in a second here and show you this visually so you can grasp this.
But the first thing that you want to do is write down the steps that people need to take to go from A, to Z, from whatever it is that you're teaching. Okay.
And then those things should only be the top five to seven big things, because if you're like me and when I first was introduced to this concept of doing it this way, I said, Oh my God, there's so many things people need to do.
Pillar Content Big Picture
But this is the big picture. And again, I'll show you in a second, like a visual of this. So you really grasp it, but just start thinking about what are the five or seven big things that people need to do. To go from a to Z, whatever it is that you're teaching.
And then you choose the top three things from that group that you can help people solve.
So for example, you know, the top three things that I can help people with are marketing and copywriting, email, and automation and mindset.
So let's take a look at an example from my business. So here's how you find, three core pillar content messages. So the first thing is you can see there that I've drawn a line and it says, well, the guy has no sales and he wants to get sales.
So you do the same thing on a piece of paper, you draw it out a line and you put what, where they are now, whatever it is, they're a hundred pounds overweight and they want to lose a hundred pounds or whatever it is you're teaching. So you draw that out and then you draw out the steps.
Related: Find A Niche FREE mini-course
My Pillar Content Examples
So my content pillar steps are basically the people need to research the niche. They need to create a product. They need to put her on a delivery platform. They need to do marketing. And then they need to do automation like emails and then underlying all of that stuff is the entrepreneur mindset, which is kind of what I just alluded to just a moment ago where they need to understand this is not going to happen overnight.
They need to, there's a lot of mindset stuff that goes along with it. So I kind of interject all that into my marketing or, or to my clients. Right.
So the three things, as I told you that I can help people with our marketing it's automation. And it's the mindset
Now, underneath those levels are a whole bunch of other stuff like under marketing there are Facebook ads, there is a copywriting and there are all kinds of stuff that goes underneath that, but that's the next level.
I just wanted to give you the overall bigger picture of how you get your core messages. And I'm sure that you could figure out what goes underneath all of those other pieces.
Now, this doesn't mean that I can't teach. All of the other stuff, like I can teach you how to do really great research. I can show you how to create a product.
I could show you how to put it on the delivery platforms like Kajabi or click funnels or this and that. Like, I can teach all of that, but because I want to have a focus on what I really, really do well, is those three things.
And it doesn't mean I don't teach those things to clients if they ask me, but in my marketing, the way I'm attracting people are those three core pillars that I'm showing you there.