When you are faced with making life choices, challenges, decisions, problems, whatever you want to call them…
There’s only 3 possible choices to deal with them.
And I guarantee – yes – guarantee you’re already making life choices in one of these 3 ways.
There’s VERY little someone can guarantee in this world…but read on and I’ll prove this to you.
Because it’s not just about your business – it’s about your life too.
I use this “technique” with ALL of my coaching clients and students in my mastermind sessions.
And borrowing the labels from Gino Wickman, I now know what to call it.
The result?
They make a concrete choice to better their lives and keep their business moving forward.
They’re not held back by indecision – which is an epidemic among so many people.
So, without further delay..
Here are your (ONLY) options for making life choices:
Live with it, end it, or change it.
Simple right?
Here's how this works.
If you can't live with it, you only have two choices left: end it or change it.
That’s where the people I work and hang around with live.
They are no longer willing to “live with it” – whatever “IT” is.
Sadly, there are WAAAYY more people who “decide” to live with it when making life choices.
And that sucks.
They know it. I know it. But they’re unwilling to do anything about it.
They’re the ones complaining (to anyone who will agree and listen – misery loves company) about how their life sucks.
And I gotta tell ya, that's the least desirable.
Wouldn’t you agree?
So what about ending it?
No doubt, this is hard when you're making life choices…but when Arianna Huffington told us “one of the best ways to finish a project is to drop it”…
I knew the “ending it” strategy was just as important as the “changing it” strategy.
Here's why:
The natural instinct of a human being is to “finish what we start.”
We hang on to things even though it no longer serves us.
You know what I’m talking about, we’ve ALL started projects that sit on our hard drives for years…
We have relationships that need attending, but we avoid the (most of the time hard) conversation…
There are so many other “monkey’s” I’m sure you can think of.
These are what I call “open loops.”
Several of us hang on to things because the loop is still open.
For example, we started painting the picture because we love the idea of learning how to paint, but it's been sitting for years, and “we'll get to it when we have more time.”
Maybe it's time to end it.
Close the loop.
Perhaps you’re never going to “have the time” for it.
You follow?
And no, this isn't giving up.
It's about aligning what the most important things are in your life RIGHT NOW and actually doing them.
That's why living with it is the least desirable when making life choices…IMO.
And honesty, nothing pisses me off more than watching people make that “living with it” choice – especially when all they do is complain about it.
Believe me – I hear it ALL the time.
“When X happens, I’ll get to it.”
But there’s nothin’ I can do about it until they step up and make one of the other two choices.
And it’s just as simple for you.
Live with it, end it or change it.
Your choice – I hope you make the right one this week!