Use this ONE Rule to Write Copy That Sells

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write copy that sells

Do you want to write copy that sells?

Here’s ONE rule to follow:

“make it all about the prospect”

If we don’t focus on the prospect and what they want, we’ll have a very difficult time convincing them to buy anything.

I know you “know” this.

The question is, are you PRACTICING this rule?

Here’s why I’m asking.

Both of us see a lot of marketing and advertising that builds the company (and/or person) up.

Not the prospect.

The company tells us how great and successful they are. And then pivot to sell us their product so we can be the same thing.

They focus on the list of stuff we get.

They tell us how much everything is worth – that it’s a great deal.

BTW, I’m not saying to ignore that stuff, because everything has a place.

But most of the marketing we see STOPS there.

Too many marketers forget about the rule to write copy that sells; “make it about the prospect”.

“Appeal to the reason, by all means. Give people a logical excuse for buying that they can tell to their friends and use to save their own consciences. But if you want to sell goods, if you want action of any kinds, base your real urge upon some primary emotion!” — Robert Collier

Even if you have a physical product like a blender or something, it’s important to focus on the prospect.

Not the torque ratio of the blender and how it now comes in 8 different colours.

So, how do you make sure you follow this ONE rule?

The first thing is, you need to be completely in love with what you’re selling.

If you’re not 100% behind the product, why are you selling it?

Simple enough.

Don’t sell something for the sake of selling something.

Are you still with me?



Now that we know you love what you’re selling, DON’T try and sell it to a “crowd”.

What this means is to write copy that sells, write to one person.

Think of it as writing a personal letter to someone.

Because when a prospect is reading your copy, they’re reading it alone.

For example,

How do you feel reading this; “when entrepreneurs get this program, it changes their business in as little as 30 days”

Not bad.

But what about this?

“When you get this program, it will change your business in as little as 30 days”

Better. Don’t you think?

That’s because it’s talking directly to YOU.


Last point – and then I’ll wrap up.


Be very clear about what your product (or service) will do for your customers.

Again – I know I’m preaching to the choir. But I see so many entrepreneurs missing this critical piece when they try to write copy that sells.

For the most part, it’s not our fault.


Because we’re too close to our product.

We forget about the simple, standard things that are obvious to us, but not to our prospects.

So, the solution is to step back and pretend to be your customer.

What would you need to know and feel about the product so you are ready to buy?

This is the reason I suggest all my clients and students NEVER stop “researching” and talking to the market.

Because once we are experts, we forget what it’s like to be a beginner.

It's very hard for us to unlearn.


Many times we talk to our market as if they’ve been through the same journey as we have.

We assume they’ve read the same books, know the same basics, and so on.

That’s simply not true.

They might be on the same PATH…but if we are the experts, it’s because we’ve experienced a bit more than they have.

And the reason we are selling whatever it is we are selling, is BECAUSE of that experience.

And the key to selling it, is to put your “beginner” shoes back on and speak to your prospect on that level.

Robert Collier brilliantly said:

“enter the conversation that’s going on in your prospects mind”.

So there you go.


In summary;

Make it ALL about your prospect.

Here’s how:

  1. LOVE what you are selling. Don’t sell something for the sake of selling and making money. Sell it because you know it will benefit your customers. It will make their lives better and more enjoyable.
  2. Talk to ONE person. In every piece of marketing communication you use. “How are YOU” not “How’s EVERYONE?”
  3. Step into their shoes. Go back to what it was like when YOU were in their shoes. talk to your customers from THAT place. Explain why your product is the best thing for them. Not by selling the fancy motor, but selling the way the car makes them feel when they drive out of their garage.

Hope this helps!

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About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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