Let me share a simple copywriting checklist with you.
I refer to it EVERY time I write.
And I know it will help you write effective copy too.
It doesn’t matter if it’s for a landing page, full sales page, Facebook ad or even your webinars…
It will work when you start using it today.
Here's the copywriting checklist:
Get to the point immediately.
In your first 50 words:
Does your prospect know what you can do for them?
Do you tell her what she’s getting and how it benefits her life?
Do you explain why it’s important to do it NOW?
Does she know what your offer is?
Those 4 points are critical.
Let’s roll back to the top of this post and see how I did. 😉
(Ok, there’s no real “offer” except for the fact I’m giving you the checklist – but we’ll let that slide)
BTW, you can get my Best Copywriting Tips right here (Opens in a new browser tab)
Once you get their attention…keep it.
Which means make EVERYTHING about them.
The way I do this is by asking the simple question: “is this headline, sentence, word, phrase, about me?”
If it is, I reframe it and make it about them.
Let me share an example.
Here's a paragraph that's ALL about me.
“…because I'm behind-closed-doors with some of the smartest and most successful marketers in the world.”
Now let's change the perspective. And we'll change it to benefit the customer:
“Because I’m behind-closed-doors with some of the smartest and most successful marketers in the world, it means you get ‘insider’ information that puts your marketing on the cutting edge”
As you can see, the paragraph is still about me…but there’s a HUGE benefit to the reader – so you can do the same thing with your copy if you want to highlight your expertise, or why someone should buy from you…etc
You already know that speaking to ONE ‘representative’ (read: avatar) is super important.
So I keep this in mind every time I write too:
“Is this for Sarah?” or is this for “Sarah, Jane and Joe?”
It’s easy for us to want to write for EVERYONE.
But don’t be tempted.
There ya go.