[CLIENT SUCCESS STORY] Janet Taylor from Parents Never Give Up

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  • [CLIENT SUCCESS STORY] Janet Taylor from Parents Never Give Up
Janet Taylor - Parents Never Give Up Success Interview
Janet Taylor's Parents Never Give Up mission is clear.  It's to support parents with at-risk children.  She assists parents so they handle and do whatever it takes to help their children, and themselves without judgment – in a safe environment.
So, Janet signed on as a private client in January 2020 to get some help to drive her mission forward.
The first thing we did is get clear on who Janet wanted to work with (aka her “Dream Client”)
She discovered how to use her superpower of getting people to see they can do anything no matter how long it takes as a driving force to continue adapting the business.  Because let's face it.  NONE of this biz'nis stuff is easy.
It takes work and STRATEGIC commitment.
No problem there with Janet.
Because then she created an entirely new website with lead generators.
She began Facebook Lives – almost EVERY DAY. And STILL going BTW.
Janet stepped into what she does best – SPEAKING her truth – directly into the hearts and minds of her clients through the camera lens on her iPhone.
Simple.  For her.
And simple enough that it worked.
Isn't that the point?
Whenever coaching and “strategy” are at the forefront, it's up to your coach to know how to adapt.  Not follow a one-size-fits-all manual.  It's up to your coach to combine the tools, methods, and strategies that FIT you and your business.  At least this is how I work with clients like Janet.
Which is why we explored different avenues together.
We tried some things that didn't work.  Or it didn't ‘feel' right to Janet.
No problem.  We move on to the next thing.
But that doesn't mean I don't push Janet to grow.
In one example, she went beyond her comfort zone to learn enough about “tech”.
Janet also took on “copywriting” with the Write Marketing Copy program.  She's not a “writer” and isn't fond of copy either.  But after taking the program she was hooked.  Because it completely changed the way she communicates with her audience.
Go figure.
And here we are…just a few weeks later  and Janet has 12 people in her bi-weekly zoom group (membership) so far with the next one in the works!!!
PLUS she has 2 private clients who just signed on for one-to-one coaching!!!
BRAVO Janet!
As she puts it “All the work is paying off and my daily videos in my closed FB group are gaining traction. “
This is only the beginning for Janet.
You will see her in more ways than one.
She is recognized by Tony Robbins himself – and even was interviewed by the team.
I believe in People-First-Profit-Second.  So does Janet.
And it proves to be the success driver of so many – including Janet.
Janet's passion is powerful.  And I am grateful to be a small part of her Parents Never Give Up movement.

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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