How to market your product

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how to market your product

Do you want to know how to market your product?

Follow the Product Marketing Framework.

how to market your product

Here's the logic behind it:

The first thing you should know when it comes to how to market your product is… we never “close”. It's about how to OPEN relationships from day one.

A sale to me is never closing. It's an OPEN. So I don't focus on how to “close” someone.

Whenever I hear the word “close” when it relates to business, I shudder.

“closing someone” might work for others…but it's the furthest thing from my mind.


Because I want a long term relationship with people. I don't want to make a sale and move on.

This is how to market your product in my perspective.  It's why I created this Product Marketing Framework model. So I can teach it to people who are like me. People who don't like selling at ALL.

But know that we NEED to sell.

Otherwise we can't stay in business.

But you can CHOOSE how you want to sell. And who you want to sell to.

In fact,

let me change the ‘selling' mindset RIGHT NOW as you read this.

We don't learn to sell. we learn to make buying easier.

Read that carefully.

Because it's a HUGE difference if you want to know how to market your product in a cool non-salesy way

If you're in my tribe this entire marketing process breaks down like this:

1. Who you WANT to work with?
2. What you LOVE to do (as it relates to the market you’re considering)
3. What results you can get the EASIEST for you and FASTEST for them.

In a nutshell;

“WHO is the person you WANT to work with, doing the thing you LOVE to do, AND you can get them results in the easiest, fastest way for you?”

This way, all the focus is on “how can I deliver value, proof and solutions up front so that the product or service becomes the natural next step for them?”

That's the positioning part of the framework BTW.

Because as you know, it takes time to build relationships, and create the know, like and trust components…and anyone with a focus on PROFIT first, loses patience when they can't “close” someone fast enough.

They don't want to “waste time”.

That ain't me.

And it's up to you how you want to approach your own business.

You can spend all your time looking for new prospects and leads.


you can spend your time focused on building long-term relationships with a SMALL precise tribe of people.


That tribe eventually buys from you. And they continue buying without any sales pressure/pitch whatsoever.

Because they know, like and trust you. Because you've EARNED it. You've PROVEN it.


By giving a shit about their outcome first and foremost.

We both know the marketers who don't really care about helping people. They focus on their wallets only. “how do I get the sale?”


the world has changed. people know when you're feeding them a marketing line.

I find that a focus on helping people, (which is why we're having this discussion) regardless of the sale means more money in the long run.

It's kinda funny how that works.

Having a focal point on the people you want to serve, the pains and problems they have and then delivering solutions UP FRONT, makes the sales process happen naturally.

All this means is by the time someone comes into your world, they are already “sold.” The conversation goes from “what can you do for me and how much do you charge?” to “how do I work with you?”

Because you've already proven how you help them by helping them without asking for anything.
Do you want to know more about how to do this with YOUR tribe? Click here to see if the Product Marketing Blueprint fits your business.

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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