Freedom Friday

Freedom Friday

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Welcome my friends, my entrepreneurs & my aspiring entreprenuers

today's Friday as I record this show…a FREEDOM FRIDAY

Which by the way, is EVERY Friday for me.

Freedom Friday is something I began almost two years ago and today, I'm so honoured that it's slowly becoming kind of a movement. My friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on are using the double F mantra in their lives too!

I originally inserted this one day into my week so I could deal with the ‘chaos' that comes at us every day.

Rather than deferring the IMPORTANT stuff all week, I deferred the chaos.

Let me explain –

First of all, Freedom Friday doesn't mean you have only ONE day for your freedom

In fact, when I started doing this, it was actually using freedom in a completely different context.

Freedom Friday was born because I wanted to stop other people's agendas and urgencies taking over my every day life.

I wanted more structure in my days so I could “get things done”

Ever been there?

If you ask most people how their day was – you'll probably get “busy” as an answer.

“Chaotic” and “crazy” are other huge adjectives people will use.

I was burning through my weeks letting all of my own urgencies, creative projects and general work just sit because as soon as I would get up, my phone would be on and I'd be attending to the flurry of emails.

I wanted “better time management” – and the funny thing about that is – we can't manage time – we can only manage ourselves within the time we have.

Think about that…


Here's a related post – The Truth About Making Excuses


When you realize YOU have the same time as billionaires like Richard Branson or Bill Gates – and they seem to get things done…then you start looking at how you can do the same.

Forget their money.

Forget their teams and employees.

They had to start somewhere too.

Just like you and me.

So this is where Freedom Friday was born.

It was a day that I “allowed” and “let in” the world around me…I didn't have anything scheduled – I didn't have work planned – when the phone rang, I picked it up…I answered emails right away.

And to most people, that sounds like EVERY DAY.

But actually ‘scheduling' that chaos for just ONE day, put me into complete focus mode for the other days.

You with me?

Imagine how your life would change if it was totally opposite of how it is today…that is, if you're running yourself to the ceiling every day.

Most people I speak with are DYING for a few moments, an hour of “no distraction” so they can get things done…

As a former work-a-holic I realized I had to create a “no distraction” zone in my life.

And for me it is Mon – Thurs between 10am and 12pm.

After that, between 1 – 4pm, I have everything scheduled – my coaching clients, projects and whatever else I have to get done.

When the phone rings or emails fly in, I have specific times I go check them.

I'm in complete control of my days.

Unless it's Friday.

And yes, there are odd days where everything go haywire – nobody's perfect – but I don't let those days get out of hand or I'm right back where I started.

Then Freedom Friday hits – and that's when I totally let whatever is gonna happen, happen.

Sometimes I get nothing done…in fact, MOST of the time I get nothing done.

But here's the great part: I don't feel GUILTY about it.

And I know thousands of entrepreneurs who feel guilty at the end of E V E R Y DAY because they didn't get anything important done.

So this is where you step up – where you begin to consciously design your life…and how you want to run your business.

Also, Freedom Friday meaning is gratitude…

It is a way to look back over the past week and be THANKFUL for what has happened.

Yes, the good and the bad.

If you're living the true entrepreneur life, you have a way of looking at all situations and learning from them…

Regular people don't – they blame the universe and they usually don't see the good in situations.

I had a friend tell me the other day “you always see the good in things”

And all we were doing is chatting about how “busy” her Fall was going to be and as she fell into the ‘complaining' I said “at least your working'.

Can you see the difference of how you can look at things?

Of course, our lives are sometimes hit with really bad news – and we have to deal with it…

But Freedom Friday is something you can use to re-train yourself to begin having more gratitude.

Gratitude will get you everywhere.

When you look back at this week, what did you do that was great? Be happy about it – even if it's the slightest little thing that moved you a bit forward, be thankful for it.

There are tons of people who begin every week just like they ended the previous week.

IN THE SAME PLACE. Never truly growing and expanding.

That's NOT the entrepreneur life.

You know it and I know it.

What if something didn't work out? What did you learn? How are you going to correct and adjust it to keep momentum for next week?

That's how I begin my Freedom Fridays today.

Grateful for the freedom I HAVE. Analyze what I did right and wrong and look forward to next week.

Then, I let the world “in” – I welcome the chaos because I know I'll be back in control on Monday!

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If you like this Freedom Friday post, please let me know below!

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Talk later!

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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