Business Leadership Skills That Steal the Spotlight

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  • Business Leadership Skills That Steal the Spotlight
business leadership skills

I have a funny way of looking at business leadership skills.

Because when I'm creating something, a post, a book, a program, course, seminar – whatever…

I'm secretly designing it so the critics will criticize.

Isn't that odd?

It's not my MAIN focus, but when I create anything – there's ALWAYS something in it that I know will piss someone off, or they'll totally disagree with.

And THAT'S the point.

It's a part of business leadership

In my opinion, it sets you apart from the status-quo when you stand up and deliver something you totally believe in.

When you create something from a passion to help others.

Because I know there will be my fans-followers-my tribe, who will LOVE what I have to say.

In many cases, I'm saying what THEY'RE afraid to say, or sayin' something they've never thought about and needed to hear.

They love what I have to offer them because it supports their own passions, beliefs, and desires.

No, I'm not on a pedestal…

I'm IN the crowd. I'm listening-engaging-asking-challenging and learning.

But more importantly, I'm moving forward.

I don’t care about pleasing everyone – so that will eventually attract the critics.

If that’s how you’re building your business, like Seth Godin says in Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us; “A remarkable product or service is like a purple cow. Brown cows are boring; purple ones are worth mentioning. Those ideas spread; those organizations grow…boring ideas don’t spread. Boring organization don’t grow”, well, you're probably not going anywhere fast.

So which are you?

The brown cow that everyone sees and no one is talking about?

Or the purple cow that some people see as magnificent, yet others see as disturbing because it doesn’t “fit in?”

I’m sure you know which “cow” I'm shootin' for. Because I’m using my business leadership to help shape the lives of others…first – not “make money” first.

So when you stand out to help shape the lives of others, you’ll ultimately find some (or they’ll find you), who do not want to be in your “tribe”.

Cool right?

Either way, it's a win-win-win, because everyone's doing what they love to do 🙂

So how are you creating business leadership skills in your business?

Are you willing to be criticized?

If so, bravo – you've moved from mediocre, boring, follow-the-herd to leader!

Let's get a conversation going below – where do YOU stand?

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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