By total mistake, I’ve found the best marketing plan ever.
And I want to share it with you.
I recognized the power of this marketing plan after getting my newest coaching client this month.
Because I didn’t have to do ANYTHING.
She didn’t come into my world through marketing.
That means she didn’t opt-in for a lead magnet that would set her up for a free consultation call.
Even though this is how I get MOST of my clients.
And there’s nothing wrong with that approach – because it works. It lets me help someone WITHOUT selling them.
And that’s cool.
And I thought it was the best marketing plan ever.
Not anymore.
It’s a close second.
The Best Marketing Plan in Action
My newest coaching client came to me because of:
Referral + Proof
OK – I know what you’re thinking.
“Joey, that’s not NEW – I already know about referrals.”
Sure ya do.
“…and proof? yea, what’s so new about that?”
Here’s what’s new:
Here’s what I mean:
Let’s say we have a product that cleans wine stains out of carpets.
A conversation between two friends might go something like this:
Friend one: “hey, I just bought this new stuff called XYZ that cleans carpet stains like you’ve never seen before – you should buy it”
Friend two: “yeah, maybe…I’ve got some stuff that I’ll finish off first, and then I’ll see..”
Friend one: “Ok, watch this” and proceeds to pour a glass of red wine into her newly carpeted living room.
Shocked, friend two is thinking “holy shit – why’d she do that? She’s crazy!”
Friend one then sprays the new XYZ stuff on the stain, lets it sit for a bit and then blots it up with a white cloth.
The carpet?
You can’t tell a stain was ever there.
referral + proof in full effect.
Of course, I’m exaggerating the story, but it’s to make my point about the best marketing plan you can have.
When someone’s referring you, that’s awesome.
And it usually works.
But you STILL have to do some “selling.”
Still, easier than selling “cold.”
On the other hand, when you get someone referring you who has ALREADY GOTTEN RESULTS…
AND, the other person has SEEN the results…
AND…that person wants the SAME results – YOU’RE IN LIKE SLIM BABY!
Did you catch that (in my A.D.D. way of writing)?
Let me repeat the best marketing plan formula:
Referral from Person with results + Person who WITNESSED the results and wants the SAME results = CUSTOMER
Are you getting how powerful this is??
When my newest client called me, I didn’t have to SELL A THING.
Not me.
Not my service.
When I asked her “how can I help?” she said “I found out about you through X…and I’ve known her for years. I’ve seen how much she’s changed in the past two years and I want to be the same way – so I decided it’s time to call you.”
The sales “pitch” was never needed.
The “proof” was already demonstrated through the work I did with my other clients.
And that to me, is the best marketing plan you can have.
WHY am I telling you this?
For two reasons:
- when you actually get results for people, they will not only be happy to tell others; but the results will speak for themselves – so others can see for themselves. (referral)
- when you actually FOCUS on ONE SPECIFIC customer to get specific results, the RIGHT prospects will recognize those results. (specific proof)
In my case, because I help entrepreneurs straighten out their business by getting more focused and organized with systems and marketing campaigns, so they can make more money without working 18 hour days anymore…
WHO do you think recognizes that result?
Yep – other overwhelmed-hard-working-disorganized-exhausted entrepreneurs who HAVE NO LIFE because THEY’RE working 18 hour days.
So when they see their colleague/friend suddenly calmer, organized and spending more time out with family, skiing on weekends and all that great stuff…
They start to ask questions.
And THAT my friend is the BEST marketing plan you can have.
Referral + Proof = Customers
What’d ya think?