Rethink Your Scarcity Marketing

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scarcity marketing

Scarcity Marketing is all about INTEGRITY.

Do you have it in your business?

Or are you just chasing money and using tactics like false scarcity?

Here's why I ask.

I ran a 5-day promotion. That's a long time.

During the promotion, I didn't send out the usual 2 emails a day, and then 4 on the last day warning about the expiring deadline…

But the emails did their job.

People opened. They clicked. They bought.

That's how it's supposed to work.

Because I was using scarcity marketing:

“this offer ends midnight on Tuesday”

You've seen it before – no biggie, right?

A couple days after the promotion ended,  I got a couple emails that basically said “I missed the deal, can I still get it?”

At first, I thought about granting the offer.  I could make a few extra bucks, and besides, who would know?

And that's what's wrong with most scarcity marketing in this space today.

Because the almighty “extra dollars” tug at us.

But then I thought – “that's NOT the way I'm running my business. I preach never to use false scarcity tactics. When something is over, it's over”

So even though I could have made a couple more sales, I sent them to the new sales page with the higher price I warned about in the emails.

I don't know how that's gonna roll, but I can sleep better at night knowing that everything I said in my emails about a “deadline” and all that stuff was true.

Even the part about “I always reward action takers and early adopters with ONE-TIME prices like this…”

My scarcity marketing is actually true.

I thought I would put this out there because if you run your business with full integrity, not only will you have better customers, who WILL buy when you give offers because they know you're not full of shit…

But you'll also position yourself out of the “typical internet marketer” space and keep that level of trust that's so hard to come by these days.

Lemme know your thoughts below…

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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