Why This Landing Page Gets > 60% Opt-ins Every Day

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  • Why This Landing Page Gets > 60% Opt-ins Every Day
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Even though it's one of the smallest parts, your landing page is one of the most important pieces to your online marketing.
So I want to show you one of my best lead generation landing pages. It gets 60% opt-ins EVERY DAY.

Here's a snapshot of the results for this landing page from May – Aug 2019 – and continues to this day

best landing pages
I am also split testing pages.  And you can see that BOTH landing pages perform.
There's a simple underlying reason for it.
Now. Before I move on, I'm NOT saying the landing page design I'm showing you is THE ONLY way to do it.

I think landing page design is important. But the design, button color, etc IS NOT the reason people opt-in.

What makes people convert is the promise

It's the congruency from the first call to action they saw (where they're coming from to your landing page).


Here's the landing page that converts:


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Want to see behind the curtain of the 60+ opt-in funnel?

Discover how the 60%+ opt-in funnel works with this step-by-step deep dive walkthrough training so you can model and apply it to your business


Let me point out a couple of things about why this is the best lead generation landing page for me yet.

1. I'm giving away a spreadsheet. Big deal. But the promise of calculating profit first deposits (that's the product btw) automatically is what people WANT.  They don't want a spreadsheet.

2. A secondary promise;  “your profit first accounting will be easier using this spreadsheet”. This works because MOST people HATE accounting…but it's necessary. And this is painting a picture of a better future.

3. I share my story – a SHORT story that empathizes with my prospect. I know what they're going through…so they realize that I know how they feel.  And WHY I created this FREE spreadsheet.  I'm giving them a solution that works for me.

4. The button text. It's in first person. “Give ME the Spreadsheet”. Not download now, click here, or Get the spreadsheet.

I'm not saying those other phrases don't work.

But after all this time, this landing page consistently gets +60% opt-in.

This brings me to my next BIG point.

The SINGLE reason this landing page works is that people coming to it are ALREADY “sold” on getting the freebie.

They are “pre-sold” because of the marketing and demonstration-style video they watched.
In this case, it's a 19 minute, full-value video I have on YouTube.  Click here if you want to see the video.
It's a full demonstration – no fluff, no CTA (call to action), no ‘regular' marketing stuff.
And THAT'S why this landing page works.
The only  CTA is in the video description. So it's not as easy to see as a call-out would be in the video.
But people still find and click it.
Why does this landing page work? Because of the pure value given upfront.
And getting consistent opt-ins, every day is worth it.  Don't you agree?
Take what you will from it and see if you can apply some of these strategies to your own landing page.
Hope it helps!

About the author 

Joey Ragona

Giving heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, and coaches clear direction & simple next steps to market and grow your business and advance your mission.

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