How To Find and Use The Right Words 
to Communicate What You Do...

so you can sell your products and services easily, without pressure or fear-based marketing tactics

Write Marketing Copy

an eye-opening LIVE workshop experience and digital asset bundle that speeds up the process to write compelling marketing copy - WITHOUT hiring or becoming a copywriter

In Addition to Your Self-Pace Online Marketing Copy Program:

write marketing copy live class

6 live (60-min) class sessions taught by Joey Ragona (plus lifetime access to rejoin future cohorts)

ALL classes are 1pm ET (UTC -4:00)

All classes recorded in case you miss one or want to rewatch any time.

1:1  hands-on help with your copy through spotlight seats

write marketing copy 1:1 coaching
write marketing copy steps

9 units of pre-recorded walkthrough videos explaining the most powerful copywriting method, with downloadable workbook

THE  WRITEFAST™ METHOD features ground-breaking "Dynamic ASSEMBLY" writing PRINCIPLES that are amazingly simple to use:

Here Are The WriteFast™ Copywriting Method Phases:

1. Collect

In this phase you are the detective looking for clues. You discover how to "swipe" the right avatar and market niche language & phrases so you can use it as your copy bank.

2. Condense

In this phase you get everything out of your head & onto the screen. You learn how to condense the avatar & market niche language into the essentials that move people to action.

3. Compose

In this phase you tidy up your writing with "progressive drafting" so that it ends up appealing and connects with your audience. 

The remarkably simple and powerful WriteFast™ Method steps anyone can do:







WRITE TUFD (the ugly first draft)



Here's a Peek Inside:

write marketing copy research example
write marketing copy copybank
write marketing copy context example
write marketing copy big idea headline example

No wasted time - we jump right into the action steps

NO fluff or theory

no cross

NO 12-hour classes

no cross

NO difficult learning material

no cross
write marketing copy testimonials

Case Study: Eddie Sand

Eddie's client asked him how to improve the funnel.

The first thing Eddie saw on the landing page was the headline.  A headline that was not great. You already know the importance of a headline. If your prospect doesn't get past the headline, everything else is a waste.

So in this 6min and 35 second video, you will not only see how Eddie transforms a "blah" headline into a powerful one by using what he learned from my WriteFast™ also discover the ONE secret to writing copy faster than you ever thought possible.

Click the video below to watch

Yes! The WriteFast™ Copywriting Method Works For:

  • Launch copy
  • Landing pages (opt-in pages)
  • Ad copy
  • Email campaigns
  • Chatbot copy
  • Video scripts
  • Long form sales letters
  • Reports
  • eBooks
  • and much more

this is the missing copywriting method that defies writers' block
with short, concise lessons described in detail step-by-step

  • NEW principles that are easy to apply so you get the results you want from your website, ads & emails
  • Simple, easy-to-understand strategies which means you get people to respond
  • You won't feel invisible, hearing crickets when you write. because your copy stands out
  • Even if you don't know anything about copywriting - you walk away having a handle on it so you know what to look for and how to improve
  • Clear, concise and effective teaching
  • The WriteFast™ Method is extremely convenient - you find ways to use it for other marketing pieces immediately!
wrtie marketing copy

Here's What You Get

Interactive 1:1 spotlight coaching
write marketing copy live zoom class

Jump on a spotlight seat with Joey Ragona so he can look over your shoulder and help with your copy

Online Program

A membership portal with 24/7 access to the full program including past beta class material and calls

5 - LIVE hands-on classes

LIVE zoom classes where you get personal coaching and guidance from Joey Ragona

NO upgrade fees EVER!

Pay ONCE....and you are "in the family".  This means you never pay for an upgrade or new version EVER!!  Not even a "maintenance" fee. 

Attend ALL future LIVE classes

Attend as many live future classes as you want - NO extra charge.


To help you write copy that sells from thin air!

The definitive list of Curiosity Transitions and Segues

to keep the copy flowing from one paragraph to another...and your reader on the edge of their seat

Persuasive Verbs

that are pure MAGIC

Benefit-to-Action Words

to move your avatar into action without being pushy or salesy

Benefit Trigger Words

that make it irresistible to say 'no'

Calls to Action

so you get the attention of your customer and they know how to buy

Instant Headline & Email Subject Line Formulas

that make people STOP and read

The "Insider" List

of the most powerful advertising words

No Brainer "How To" Headline Starters

so you're never lost for a great headline

37 emotion power words 

that people can't help but respond to

The 'Can't Lose' List of Bullet Formulas

to drive home the message on any sales copy

The Critical Offer Pieces

so you know exactly how to structure your offer

But I'm Not Done...

You Also Get Email Archery as my FREE Gift ($499 value)

The New Email Marketing Solution That Teaches Online Marketers The W.O.R.C. Formula ™ to Move People Into Buying

email archery

Value $499

  • How to write emails
  • How to come up with ideas about what to write on a consistent basis
  • how to write powerful subject lines
  • how to maximize the pre-header text so people are excited to open the email 
  • ways to improve your email deliverability and make sure they land in people's inbox rather than spam or junk folders
  • How to utilize and tell stories that pull people in so they are more likely to read the entire email and do what you ask
  • How to format your emails so it's super easy to read
  • How to 'sell' the click
  • How to ignite a desire for people to click on your offer without that being pushy, obnoxious email marketer your customers despise

PLUS you get Copy JumpStarter ($297 value)

Copy Jumpstarter

Value $297

NEVER AGAIN Struggle To Write Great Headlines


Copy Jumpstarter Automatically Creates 387 Time-Tested, Proven, Converting Headlines With A Mouse Click!


NO Learning Curve!

The Fastest Software In The World For Writing Headlines! 

Writing headlines that capture attention and get your audience to read on is, quite frankly, difficult …

You have two choices:

You can spend years reading all the best books on copy writing and spend weeks listening to copywriting seminars and workshops.

You can hire marketing coaches and scour the Internet for proven, time-tested, high-converting headlines to add to your swipe file. 

Then, you can write and split-test hundreds of headlines, 

And finally hire software developers to create an easy to use automated headline generator.

Or …

Use Copy Jumpstarter to Automatically Generate 387 Powerful, Proven, Custom Headlines in Seconds!

It’s really fast and super-simple.

You answer 9 simple questions about your product, service or message, then click a button and Copy Jumpstarter instantly creates customized headlines to use for sales letters, emails, social media posts, ads, web pages, bullet points, and copy points.  

That’s it…

Literally, within minutes after downloading the desktop software (Mac and PC) you’ll have 387 of history's best proven headlines customized for you…

And you get it as a BONUS GIFT when you enroll in Write Marketing copy

There's Still More...

You also get Money Making One-Liner ($197 value)

Learn how to create a concise and compelling one-liner to answer the question "What do you do?" that makes money by getting customers to say tell me more.

Marketing One-Liner

Value $197



(SAVE $298)




  • LIVE cohort with 5 implementation classes
  • Self-pace online program
  • Future-proof: never pay a single penny for upgrades, maintenance or new versions EVER
  • Access to all future cohorts
  • BONUS swipe files, guides and templates (priceless)
  • BONUS: Email Archery ($499 value)
  • BONUS: Money Making One -Liner ($197 Value)
  • BONUS: Copy Jumpstarter ($297 value)

100% Risk Free






  • LIVE cohort with 5 implementation classes
  •  Self-pace online program
  • Future-proof: never pay a single penny for upgrades, maintenance or new versions EVER
  • Access to all future cohorts
  • BONUS: swipe files, guides and templates (priceless)
  • BONUS: Email Archery ($499 value)
  • BONUS: Money Making One-Liner ($197 Value)
  • BONUS: Copy Jumpstarter ($297 value)

100% Risk Free

money back

90 day Guarantee

Risk free

100% No B.S. Money Back Guarantee for a FULL 90-Days

It's simple.  I don't play games.  Attend the full live training. If you don’t think this copy training is the eye opening, fastest shortcut to writing the exact words to sell your product or service, for any reason, then ask for your money back. No loopholes. No “show your work” crap. No “decide after your first day”.  Nope. Attend the WHOLE enchilada and then decide after 90 days.  Either I deliver the goods or you get your 100% of your money back. Simple. Either way you learn a brand new system for writing the most effective copy ever.

Check out what students say about the WriteFast™ Method:


Case Study: Jacqueline Jase

How the Avatar Dream Conversation™ changed the way Jacqueline saw her prospects AND the way she communicates with them.

Click the video below to watch

Here's what students say
about the cutting-edge
WriteFast™ Method

This makes it easy to speak directly to my “avatar” in their own words .... connecting at a deep level with only my ideal client.  It does the heavy lifting ahead so I can spend my time serving my idea client...

Janet Taylor


The WriteFast™ system Joey's developed is perhaps the best take I've ever seen on how to write copy. It's a simple to follow, step by step process to take any idea, mission, product or service and quickly find the words that stop your prospect cold and ignite their desire to act. The templates, formulas and steps are great. I should know because I have a course on copywriting called the perfect pitch modeled after Perry Belchers' 21-step secret selling system.  What's missing from mine is the how to get exactly the right words to use. Most people don't know what the correct words to use in copy are and no one really knows how to find them if they're not inside your mind ... Joey takes care of all that super fast so your copy lights a fire under them so they have to act on your offer!!  

Scott Vogel


It connects you to the person you are marketing to.  It puts me right where I need to be in order to write and that’s a BIG difference between how Joey's method works and how other people's work.  Because you’re grounding in that research & it makes it easier to write the copy

Alysa Golden


I've made more progress this week than I have in years using Joey Ragona's WriteFast™ Method

JoAnn Krall


I went back to the original research from my program to add to the Data Dump step and WOW - there’s soooo much stuff I will be able to use from that.  Thank you so much for this approach. I feel like it’s giving me the ingredient I’ve been missing.  And it has been right in front of my eyes… 

Eszter Godor


Make sales easy by getting inside your Dream Clients' head and using the EXACT words that capture their eyes and heart to compel them to take action


DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2007, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET MY INFORMATION.

Customer Testimonials.  With any business related program, your results using Write Marketing Copy may vary from those consumer testimonials. Your results are based on many variables such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ from one individual to another, I cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor am I responsible for your success or failure.  Write Marketing Copy is not a "get rich quick" program. It takes an investment of time, effort, and dedication. I believe that I provide you with a great toolbox to achieve your desired outcome and these grads agree.

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